Friday, January 06, 2006


Test Test Test...

Well Hello World, this blogger stuff is pretty new to me....
Why did I start it?
That I'm not sure, the intentions are blurry. But I shall strive to make this a wonderful page that holds the memories of Jeremy Neo- RESIDENT ALIEN, (me).

Resident Alien, a really cool oxymoron I picked up. It sounds very appropriate in many contexts. For example, being an international student, my life now is based in both Singapore and Melbourne. I am a Resident in those lands but feel like an Alien on either. The path of an international student its seems, makes one's agenda very temporary- as soon as you feel settled at one place, time calls you to pack up and head for the other. A nomad's life. It has been so for the past 4 years and will probably continue so in the next couple or so. Everything seems superficial- the facades, the false fronts you have to put up all the time in order to adapt to the ever changing lifestyles. I am temporary, I am formless. I feel treated so lightly and frivolously by people. I can't blame them, with my agenda being so volatile, there's no way any serious relationships can be easily forged. Anyhow, it is a lifestyle I have to put up with, even if it means shedding a couple of tears here and there. Unfortunately, that void of loneliness will never forsake me...

But in another context, a resident alien also can refer to the many Christians who are currently alive on this earth. Christians I feel, will never be truly happy here on earth- there's a yearning inside us for something more. Again, a void that will never be satisfied. The world and all its riches and splendor will not fill that emptiness. We know that there's something greater installed for us- we need the ultimate fellowship with God. Only then we will feel complete. Thus, being bound to this world as long as our spirits dwell in fleshly bodies, we know that although we reside on earth, we are still aliens. Heaven, as we call it, is truly home and until we reach it, Residents Aliens we will be on this earth...

I guess that's enough talk of Aliens and Residents- two words that are worlds apart. Any further eleboration and this article will suddenly turn into a sermon wannabe.

What do people write for their first article, I do not know. Introductions? Opening statements? intents and visions? That'll probably require a whole load of space I reckon. I dont suppose many people will bother to read those sorta stuff...
But yes, 06/01/06 shall be the day this site is created. Whether this site will be sustained or not, only time will tell. Beautiful date by the way, I just noticed it.

Anyhow, it is now the summer holidays for dudes like me studying down under @ Melbourne. Alas, it looks like my holidays seem to be flying so fast! December has just passed in a blink of an eye. Activities at that period seem to all revolve around church. I look ahead at the one and a half plus more months and seem to have no plans for the future. Short-sighted planning I reckon. Initial plans to try relieve teaching have been scrapped as I didnt take any initiative to follow up on the phone calls.

Its quite sad to say that this year I'll take on the title of a 4th year commerce and info systems student. 4th year! That just sounds wicked! Friends who've been with me in Melbourne are all graduating and enlisting this year into the army- except me! Two more years to go... I'm getting old! God please light my path...

But then again, he's never left my side.
He's always been with me... havent you God?

1 comment:

Matt said...
