Saturday, July 31, 2010

hope deferred. God fulfilled.

to you, if you are currently feeling that God is not hearing your silent cries, not answering your calls or not having your needs (however immediate) met.
if there's an issue within your family that needs to be resolved, but the fix doesn't seem to come at all. You feel He's not helping. If you are unemployed, and looking for work, but that dream job of yours doesn't seem to be appearing anytime soon. You feel He's not providing. If you're single, hoping (and hoping!) for that dream guy of yours to come along someday... much to no avail. You just feel He's not fair. If you have given your heart to someone but he/she doesn't seem to reciprocate, leaving you totally broken. You feel He doesn't care. If you really desire that someone so much, that the feeling consumes you, reaches to your throat, and you're just overwhelmed and unable to handle it, much to your dismay because there is just no other outlet to pour it out to. You feel God's just not with it.

to you, if you are currently feeling this way, I just want to encourage you:
don't trust feelings- look to a God who hears us, knows exactly how a human feels and ultimately, wants the best for us. period. Believe that a God who is bigger than the universe is also the same God who has promised never to leave you, relating to you personally and intimately. The God who became flesh, who understood how it feels to be human is that same God whom you cried out to for supplication. Believe, that ultimately, He will deliver the goods and satisfy you in His own way- the best way. Do not give up hope that your cries and desires will go unfulfilled. Trust in Him completely and know that if what you truly hoped for and desired is really the best, He'd readily give it to you, whether in the way you wanted it or in His own way. Trust in Him to be the fulfiller of all your hopes and dreams. To you, His beloved, He has withheld nothing that is ultimately good for you.

feelings (sadness, hopelessness...) deceive and shroud us from seeing the eternal, unwavering promises that God has laid out from the very start. We are often quick to forget His steadfastness in the midst of the sad and hopeless times.

"if you nail your hearts to men, it will move.
if u nail your hearts to Christ, he is the same yesterday today and forever.
keep your eyes fixed on him, not on men and women"
-Ravi Zacharias

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

superman can't fly.

如果超人会飞, 那就让我在空中停一停歇

-周杰伦, 超人不会飞

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

singlehood. worries.

as I was going to write, rant and bitch about the issue of one's outer appearances again (i.e, physical attractiveness affecting chances of love and relationships), I am inspired to remember that if our lives are indeed in God's hands, then surely His promise to provide and fulfill all our needs will be upheld- even in the area of love and relationships, an issue some people feel so inadequate about. That aspect will also surely be under the providence of the One who has created and fashioned us, the One who knows us, the One who loves us, for He lavishes His word and promises onto His beloved being... you.

do not get your husband/wife the conventional way, relying on the schemes and devices of the world. Get your partner through God, down on your knees in prayer.

"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus"

Monday, July 19, 2010

learn. offering.

when you do something with no strings attached, without any gains expected, for neither fame nor fortune... just purely for the sake of service to God... when you do that, you derive total satisfaction and joy, regardless of the nature and importance of that deed itself.
when you do it not to please anything or anyone on earth, but purely as service to Him, there is a sense of a higher calling, bringing forth a sudden influx of worth, meaning and euphoria. These perks all come as a vessel for God's outpouring. Being used by God is one of the best feelings ever experienced. The deed is secondary. It is the fact that we are being used... calling. love. meaning. direction. everything. He fills you up, you are so full of it. Then, you are able to pour it out to others.
yes, life at many times seems meaningless in all its events- everything under the sun, meaningless. Christ gives it sense and only in His rewards will there be true joy.


Do Good to Please God

“Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven. Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


some readers have asked why I put up a post with regards to anti-Christianity and quotes from a man who hates Christ. No, its not that I'm bought over by it. It's just that his statements, some aspects of it, if I must say, do make sense: We are gunning on something that cannot be seen in this life- a promise of a better afterlife. We are enduring and holding out for it, trusting and hoping with faith in God. During that time, we live a life of a, Christian. Having traits that are totally unworldly- the fruits of the Spirit. Counter-cultural. Men defines having them as 'weakness'. Having them does bring hardship. But we derive our strength and our will to live in Christ, not on money, cars and expensive clothings. It is only in Him we can dare to live that kind of life on earth, if not, it just wouldn't make sense otherwise.

also, the writer sees us as a bunch of rejects. Somehow, I don't even feel ashamed by it. In fact, it kind of instills a sense of pride in me, to be one of them... these are the people I really care for and have a heart to protect. These are wonderful people. These [if our faith isn't misplaced], are the children of God. I hope I will never forget to protect someone weaker. resist being proud.

if one lives in the ideals of the world, one will probably attain pleasures that are of the world, but is that what you really want?

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."

Friday, July 09, 2010



really hate the army experience.
but thank God for giving me these guys as friends.
everyone's moving on in our lives, but I pray for each one, that we may know You.

scrap notes of events today.

today, I got to go to katong (ceylon rd), to be near tung ling bible college. Such wonderful memories and a total spiritual high when I was there. Just by being back on that street, and rethinking the experiences there was enough to elicit happiness. It was a place with so many expectant hearts, much joy + fellowship and constant teachings of our Faith. What more can we ask for!


then I went for an interview, and it was a shamble. I don't think it went well at all.
will I work in a bank?? I totally suck at interviews, I don't know how to sell myself. It's worrying, how will I ever land a good job then? I can't stand selling myself...

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

pleasure. unlimited.

“Meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure” -G.K. Chesterton

pleasure in itself cannot be a means to an end, nor can it be an end in itself.
you cannot live for pleasure, your life is made for something more than that.
it is in worship, we find complete pleasure.

(inspired by Dr Ravi Zacharias)


Monday, July 05, 2010

I will turn into sky

watching over you forever.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

heart. life. soul. all. Yours.

even without Jesus, can there be salvation and life? Can you live heaven on earth... concur to human leadership or hedonism as God?
there just seems something wrong in this world, something is amiss within the systems... how would we account for the so called 'degenerates' or the slums of the earth. If all human systems were perfect, then in the ideal world, wouldn't there be a form of relief and salvation for these types of people. The problem of pain and poverty was never been solved. Does that mean that not everyone can enjoy heaven? or is this the heaven you want?

not that those who aren't in this category are actually feeling nirvana. Most would still strive to want more, and those at the apex face the vanity of vanities question. They are definitely in a better physical state, but to feel self actualised... that is another question altogether. Is this a heaven worth considering?

Jesus came into this imperfect world, and those who call on His name, and acknowledge Him as God will live an eternal life in heaven, where there is neither sadness nor tears. A place of unlimited joy and something we cannot fathom as of yet. If this world itself is the heaven or paradise for a human being then I'd be utterly gutted- man can never make it right, we need to bring it all back to the Creator. Jesus even made it fair game for everyone, a simple choice of submission. Rich or poor, pain or happy, whoever you are, whether slave or free, all who call on Him are going to heaven. His promise of heaven is perfect and beautiful. The question of choice is, which heaven do you actually want? If its the latter, do you believe His promise of heaven?

I for one am willing to take risk and put my being into Jesus' promise. I'm sold.