Tuesday, November 18, 2008

reach him...

he's 23
he's got a younger sister, aged 20, also mentally challenged
his mom's a cashier
his dad's a train operator
he lives in sengkang
he studied computing for 5 years at poly
he's into mobile phones and its functionality
he likes power rangers...

he has to mean something, even though we humans see no worth. screw worth.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

somewhere in the middle...

..You'll find me

somewhere between the wrong and the right
Somewhere between the darkness and the light
somewhere between who I was and who You're making me

its all fun and games, but I will look back at this time knowing that I didn't stand up for what was right. In fact, I was part of the act. I picture his parents there, how will they feel if they see their poor son in such a situation. Yet, nothing within me musters enough courage or passion to stand up and fight. I only can reflect on what has happened and know that I didn't do anything.
helpless- I just can't do it, not the right person. coward
I take it all back. heroism is dead. I ain't alive anymore