Friday, February 26, 2010

pure intents - True companionship

everyone does things for love, but is it real love when one does things for another with the idea of pursuing a relationship and getting a partner? Then, that love has to be a little flawed right, because there is an agenda behind it. In the end, a degree of action has been done just for personal satisfaction- to attain a partner/friend for oneself. If so, then that isn't real love after all right?

there are very few people I've met who've cared and loved so much, without any intent of attaining good-will, love, affection or satisfaction back just by doing so. Every other time, people do things with an agenda in mind. That's only natural- I give you a present, I expect to score some friendship points or love votes from the other party. But, is it possible to have love that is just so pure, without any intent or catch?

what do people call that? Agape right?
I guess we can all try, and after reading this, I feel disheartened because the people around me or even I myself do not possess a love such as this.
but take heart: that all of us do have someone with that kind of agape love who loves us, and He lives right in our hearts, if we let Him in. And when He's in you, we can tap on His reservoir of love to give others, because after all, He is love. Maybe someday, He'll give each of us so much more love that we will then finally live as saints. Now I just realised that I used the word love one too many times

ranting out.

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