Saturday, July 03, 2010

heart. life. soul. all. Yours.

even without Jesus, can there be salvation and life? Can you live heaven on earth... concur to human leadership or hedonism as God?
there just seems something wrong in this world, something is amiss within the systems... how would we account for the so called 'degenerates' or the slums of the earth. If all human systems were perfect, then in the ideal world, wouldn't there be a form of relief and salvation for these types of people. The problem of pain and poverty was never been solved. Does that mean that not everyone can enjoy heaven? or is this the heaven you want?

not that those who aren't in this category are actually feeling nirvana. Most would still strive to want more, and those at the apex face the vanity of vanities question. They are definitely in a better physical state, but to feel self actualised... that is another question altogether. Is this a heaven worth considering?

Jesus came into this imperfect world, and those who call on His name, and acknowledge Him as God will live an eternal life in heaven, where there is neither sadness nor tears. A place of unlimited joy and something we cannot fathom as of yet. If this world itself is the heaven or paradise for a human being then I'd be utterly gutted- man can never make it right, we need to bring it all back to the Creator. Jesus even made it fair game for everyone, a simple choice of submission. Rich or poor, pain or happy, whoever you are, whether slave or free, all who call on Him are going to heaven. His promise of heaven is perfect and beautiful. The question of choice is, which heaven do you actually want? If its the latter, do you believe His promise of heaven?

I for one am willing to take risk and put my being into Jesus' promise. I'm sold.

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