Monday, August 27, 2012


A high glycemic load diet is associated with worsening acne.There is also a positive association between the consumption of milk and a greater rate and severity of acne.Other associations such as chocolate and salt are not supported by the evidence.However, products with these ingredients often contain a high glycemic load.

Glycemic load accounts for how much carbohydrate is in the food, and how much each gram of carbohydrate in the food raises blood glucose levels. Glycemic load is based on the glycemic index (GI).


Does diet really affect acne?


Population-based and migration studies have suggested a correlation between diet and acne. Large, well-controlled, observational studies have demonstrated that diets high in dairy products are associated with an increase in the risk for and severity of acne. Researchers have found significant associations between all varieties of cow’s milk and acne. 
The relationship between milk and acne severity may be explained by the presence in dairy of normal reproductive steroid hormones or the enhanced production of polypeptide hormones such as IGF-1, which can increase androgen exposure, and thus, acne risk. Recent findings also describe an association between a high-glycemic-index diet and longer acne duration. In addition, randomized clinical trials have demonstrated that a low-glycemic-load diet can influence hormonal levels and improve insulin sensitivity and acne.


The effect of a high-protein, low glycemic-load diet versus a conventional, high glycemic-load diet on biochemical parameters associated with acne vulgaris: a randomized, investigator-masked, controlled trial.


Eat a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds to get a good dose of vitamins and minerals specially the antioxidants.

Eat high fiber foods like whole grain cereals and their products, leafy vegetables, pulses and legumes with skin and whole fruits.
Eat protein rich food especially skimmed milk, eggs, fish and lean meat or chicken.
Drink lots of water at least up to 2 litres per day to flush out toxins from the body. You may have juices, soups, milk and milk beverages in addition to water.
Get a good supply of probiotic foods like yogurt as they provide a good dose of beneficial bacteria that helps in improving digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Try using only natural and herbal products in terms of cosmetics and beauty products.
Reduce stress by exercise and relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
Reduce the intake of refined sugars, carbohydrates, red meat, caffeine and alcohol.
Get a good dose of early morning sunshine and fresh air by working out in gardens or parks, but avoid excessive exposure of sun especially during or after noon.

Simple Remedies for Pimples, Acne and Blackheads:

Don’t touch your face with your hands frequently as it may harbor some microbes that may irritate your skin and pimples. Wash your hands first and then touch your face. Do not sit feeling and popping the pimples all day long as it may spread the acne and make it worse leaving a scar behind forever. 
Wash your face gently with warm water 2-3 times a day. 
Baby Powder can work wonders in drying out your pimples and getting rid of them. 
Take some sandalwood power and mix it with water to create a paste. Apply this paste to the areas where you have blemishes. Sandalwood creates a soothing effect on pimples and blemishes which are painful. Sandalwood is good for getting a clean clear acne free skin.
Eat ginger and garlic to get rid of blemishes and acne. Ginger and garlic have excellent anti bacterial properties and are considered to be natural antibiotics.
If you have calamine lotion at home, apply it to your face where you have blemishes. Calamine lotion absorbs the excess oil in your skin and thus helps you to get rid of blemishes.
Make sure that you change your pillow cover everyday. With sweat and perspiration your pillow cover would have the bacteria that cause pimples, acne and blemishes.
Wash your face regularly with lukewarm water and a good cleanser at least 3 times a day. Keep on splashing water on the skin because blackheads usually appear on the oily skin.
Always apply an astringent on your skin, which will reduce the oiliness from the skin.
Use a good toner to reduce the size of open pores and to tighten the skin.
Be sure to use mild facial scrubbers, which are very useful in removing the black heads from the skin 
Apply oil free moisturizer on your skin.
Use medicated soaps and some good scrubbing soaps that are available in the market these days, which are pretty good for blackheads' prone skin.
Rub a lemon peel on your skin to reduce the greasiness from it and it helps to remove the black heads too.
Make a homemade scrubber by soaking rice in the milk for 4 hours, grind them and make a paste. Use this paste on your body as a scrubber to remove the black heads but do not rub it too hard on the skin. You should use it in mild circulations.
Apply a good natural face pack on the skin at least once a week.


Whole Grains

Lean Meats
Fruits and Vegetables
Flax Seed, Walnuts and Canola Oil

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