Tuesday, February 28, 2006


5 days already in Melbourne.
Melbourne-Singapore, Singapore-Melbourne, Melbourne-Singapore… This routine of coming and going has almost become second nature to me- I no longer shed tears and miss the homeland as much as before. I really have to say, this time round, I just seem to get into life a lot quicker than before.

I definitely can still recall last year- how gutted I was to have returned here for my studies… so gutted that I plunged into this dark period of depression and refused to accept my life, until about a month later. That was definitely an experience, of pain. I’m so glad I did not encounter this drastic chasm once again.

Leaving the airport, I did a ‘Ben Raja’- as I would call it from now on. The ‘Ben Raja’ way of leaving- quick, decisive and…cool. Cool, so unlike good ol’ Ben Raja, hahahahaha!

Jokes aside, it’s really simple: when departing, only look back ONCE, I repeat once. Not only will you appear cool, but it also makes you detach from the place much quicker. Do not look back to take mental pictures, wave sad goodbyes, perform final gazes or whatsoever reason. Do not, do not! Do a ‘Ben Raja’ leaving style, look ahead and set your thoughts on what’s before you. Set your sights on the vision, on the big picture- the master plan that is your life.

So I left…

*thoughts enter… ‘Geez… It’s… Singapore!’
I grin…

I am still human after all, and the fond memories in Singapore will definitely remain in me. But I will make them memories of happiness, not something I lean on and hang on so tightly to, that I forget how to live in the present. No, they will not be a clutch of any sort. It will not thwart me nor bog me down. I will stand this time and fight for my happiness and pursue the Godly life that I should have!

Ohh, the some ACS theme just came into my head that goes really well with what I wrote above. It goes something like this:
The past we inherit,
The present we create,
And what is to come…
The Best Is Yet To Be!

Ok, back to the present.

College square is student land- I have reentered life as an international student once more. No longer am I away from the main city, living in the ‘badlands’ of Doncaster (not that it is a wilderness by the way). The gym looks pretty cool. I really hope I will be able to continue running every night like I used to in Singapore, for the 2.4km run actually leaves me on a high every time I finish it.

Thing is, the internet is simply pissing me off. It is broadband, but stuff like Skype and MSN video conferencing truly suck when I utilize it here. How can I talk to my family if these services do not work properly!! Fix it guys!

My room is kindda furnished already so there’s no need for much.
[Judge Judy is being screened in the background as I speak]
My schedule for this week is pretty gay, as there’re neither tutorials nor workshops in the first week.
I want a job…

*thoughts enter…
Oh, and I still miss everyone back home.


faith said...

hey jeremy, glad you're doing well over there...=) i agree with you that we should keep the memories happy, like leave cool-ly when we have to leave. it helps when we view things in a positive light. anyway, until next time, take care and stay 'cool'!=)

jeremynz said...

heyy Faith, great to hear from you man. got ya little email message too! anyhow, I guess you're gonna be busy in your new school huhh.

Take care of yourself too yea, keep in touch.
God bless

faith said...

hey jeremy!haha, not really busy over here yet since school has not sarted...anyway, this blogging thing is kinda fun;kinda understand why loads of people have this thing. anyway, the mission trip launch was pretty successful and everyone had a great time; a pity you were not able to join us...
youth lead worship last sunday, and it was great, though some of the folks seemed unable to keep up...
anyway, will be in touch again, so, all the best in your studies over there!=)