Wednesday, April 12, 2006

this was supposed to be up yesterday, but my internet connection had failed:

the problem with finance: studying long hours does not equal understanding.

look, an essay may require lots of hours, labor and thought. But at the end of the toil, you generally have a finished product.

well, my friend, finance is nowhere like this.

long hours and time spent slogging in front of the lecture notes and textbook does not guarantee a finished product.

I’ve read and read and read but to no avail.
the bottom line: I’m just not smart enough

the energy and effort devoted into studying finance just gets wasted and transformed into frustration and hopelessness.
useless output,
utter inefficiency

my test is on Thursday. I’m at a lost now.
even passing it seems like such a hurdle.

help people, I’m stumbling.
so washed out at the moment…
God please shine some light into this.

please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless please bless
and intervene

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally understand the feeling man. Why can't some things just make sense after you have stared at it for long enough? Take break whilst studying though dude. Don't push yourself so hard!:)